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Maamalni - Leg 4 - Log #7 Cruising Chicken seeks new home.

It's been decided. There are just too many demons on board MaaMa. What with the latest string of equipment malfunctions you would think that this is a run down old tub. Au contraire. Prior to leaving on this Round the World voyage MaaMa had a complete, and when we say complete, we mean complete Re-fit! Complete with the depleted bank account to prove it. Every system and surface was check, refurbished, upgraded or replaced but with the exception of the Rubber Chicken which arrived the day we purchased MaaMa and stayed in place during the entire refit. Now you may not understand the merits of a talisman, but they are many and their job is to watch over and protect the main engine and associated equipment. Our chicken has resided in the engine room hanging upside down just above Perkie. The chicken swings back and forth and rarely squawks, but it just doesn't seem to be doing its job. As a consequence, the following add has been placed on Craig's List Seattle.

Free Tropical Cruise...No Chicken Soup
Yes, we know its a little zanny but we're serious. We are the owners of a custom built 52' Sailing Yacht presently between Galapagos and Tahiti on route around world. We are replacing our engine room talisman (latex Chicken) but first need to find this bird a good home. In 25 words or less tell us why you want our chicken and describe its future living and/or working conditions. Winner is invited to join crew of S/V MaaMalni any port on route. For the winner, we will provide two days of day sailing, snorkeling eating drinking or what ever, or if you cannot join us and we award you our chicken, we will ship bird all expenses paid to your home. We are part of the 2008-09 World Cruising Club's World ARC "Around the World Rally" you can view our current position and see intended rally route at and look for Maamalni

The Offer:
Our current talisman, a latex fowl is widely traveled aboard S/V Maamalni, a private yacht but has lost magical powers believed due to hot tropical environment. Chicken is currently employed on Seattle based yacht cruising the South Pacific. So why are we seeking to relocate the chicken? Well to be discrete lets just say that things have not worked out to our expectations... we will of course provide intimate details to winning home providers, must be careful as these beasts can be quite vindictive if you know what I mean. Would usually retire said chicken to Latex Farm for recycle but I/we still believe there's more magic to be squeezed out of bird if environment is right. Just can't yet contemplate the consequences of a chickencide or burial at sea so we are motivated to find bird congenial home.

As stated current owners have agreed to pay cost of shipping along with general care and feeding instructions of bird to winner if winner cannot join up with yacht. Please send details of home environment, be advised that winner may be contacted by (DCHS) Department of Chicken Home Services prior to placement. Serious inquiries only. Please reference subject email "Chicken Soup Cruise" all inquiries will be answered as time and circumstance permit.

So want to play with us for a day or two in the tropical sun? Should you be interested in providing the chicken a home or know of a good orphanage, please send us your text message only reply at this radio web address: [email protected].

Winner to pay cost of travel to yacht. Yacht crew to provide at least 2 days of day sailing. All arrangements must be mutually agreeable on prior to arrival. If we like you, maybe more days!
Fair winds _/) Suzan and Michael

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