Departed Marquesas late 12 April after a tricky afternoon taking on 400ltrs of diesel at an awkward fuel jetty in a swell. It was duty free which made the effort worthwhile. Whilst in the Isles we visited six anchorages and two waterfalls-the last one being we are told the 3rd highest of its kind in the world. Pity little water was falling down the sheer rock face, but the 4 hour walk up and down the valley with dicy stream crossings was memorable. The stunning green mountainous scenery and cost of a can of beer also made the Isles memorable.
Good news regarding the boat; Bob with substancial help from a fellow skipper ( an American of course ) fixed the watermaker and the autohelm is behaving itself-life is now much simpler.
We are now half way to the Tuomatu Attolls. We hope to visit at least three. They present quite a navigational problem as the entrances are narrow, have tidal races and uncharted coral heads abound once you are inside. Black pearls are the major export and maybe we will be able to buy some at a reasonable cost.
Today the wind is favourable and the squalls infrequent. Yesterday we hooked a smallish shark but eventually it straightened the hook and escaped to sighs of relief all round.
All the best to everyone - all emails gratefully received. A K nd M