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Quasar V of Lleyn - Blue Lagoon

Sunday 13th April


Barry decided to spent more time in the Tuamotos to do more diving and headed off for the airport to see which other islands he could get to.

After debating yesterday whether to spend £70 each on the official excursion to the famous Blue Lagoon, we decided to take ourselves over there in the boat, a journey of around 19 miles each way. To cut a long story short we got there, anchored and tried unsuccessfully to find the lagoon entrance in the dinghy in a very lumpy sea whilst dodging coral heads, couldn't find it, attempted to re-anchor the boat further up, but didn't like the sudden change in depths and the coral heads and gave up!

To make matters worse we managed, having gone within a few metres of our original track, to hit some coral on the way back when the depth suddenly changed from 20 metres to less than 2, which was alarming, but no real harm done just a couple of small junks of lead on the edge of the keel!

Went to the hotel for a beer and met 3 boats from BWR and eat on board the inevitable Italian beef casserole (my new party piece - a sort of spag bog with decent meat).

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