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Lady Kay - marae

Hi all
Sorry we haven't done a log for some time, but have been busy doing repairs, refueling, re-provisioning and all the other re-s. Most of the fleet, including us went for a round the island tour courtesy of Tahiti tourist office yesterday. Excellent free tour and wonderful free lunch. The picture on the front of the world arc website was taken by Michael (hence he is not in it) at this archaelogical site - a temple where they tatooed and ate humans until the missionaries put a stop to it. Our picture today is of one of the platforms where they performed sacrifices. The previous day we had a welcome party in the evening which included some particularly good Tahitian dancing - unfortunately didn't have a camera with me.
Left Tahiti today and traveled across to the nearby island of Moorea. It is a beautiful island and only about 3 hours from Tahiti. As it is Saturday today, it is quite busy with locals enjoying the sea and sun. Had some much needed swims ourselves and relaxed - great.
Will try to keep up with the logs now.
All the best from
Jackie, Michael, Rob and Virginia


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