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Andante of Mersey - Tahiti and Moorea

My apologies for recent lack of news from Andante-all due to boat maintenance and a hectic social routine.  Anyway after six days in Tahiti we have move 10miles west to Moorea for the weekend then back to Tahiti for clearance and final victualling.  Tahiti was better than expected because this time we were on the town quay, in the middle of everything!  Alcohol three times UK prices being the only restriction - you can spend £25 and still be stone cold sober.  Food is about twice the price. I had my first haircut for 4 months (£18).We did a coach tour round the island which took about 7 hours with a long stop for an excellant lunch, provided by the rally organisers.  After the beauty and tranquility of the virtually uninhabited Toumato atolls Tahiti was a change but we were glad to get away to this island of Moorea.  Dinner last night in Cook's Bay cost £40 per head for a 2 course meal with only one bottle of wine so we are, I hope, eating on aboard tonight.  The scenery is stunning and the sea clear and warm (34C). I suppose you can't have everything.
The yacht is now in good order-long may it last-regular flushing and showers! On Tuesday we will be setting off for Bora Bora (often called the Pearl of the Pacific) and calling in on three small islands on the way. By 18th May we should be out French Polynesia and into New Zealand controlled Territories - cheap food and booze! We can't wait!
Matt left Friday and Joan and Linda C arrived a few days ago.
Thank you for all the news from home - we love hearing from you. Love or best regards(as appropriate) to all from me and Ann. PS remember us to everyone

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