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Kasuje - Kasuje log Sunday 4th May

Great news Kasuje is back in the water and we are now underway on our quest around the globe.
She is looking great after completion of her 6 month major maintenance, and is now ready to take on the second half of the Pacific and the west coat of Australia. We just have a couple of maintenance issues to complete which should keep me busy and happy over the next few days whilst we make our way slowly north to the island of Raiatea to join in with the Tahiti Pearl Regatta for 5 days at the end of this week. The girls have settled in fine and are already enjoying the life style and certainly making me laugh. They are not so  enthusiastic on my jobs list though !!! (just want to swim and snorkel). I just have to teach them to sail before we take on the racing fleet in the Regatta and all will be well.
The break from Kasuje and sailing was just the tonic I needed at this stage and although the time went very quickly with rushing from pillar to post the break has re invigorated  my desire to complete this circumnavigation project, We squeezed in a lot, over the three weeks i was back with Gary's installation, Spain, golf in Skegness, trips to the south coast evening suppers etc and it was really good to catch up with everyone. I just wish i didn't get so upset when it's time leave. Hope to see you soon on the next trip back, which should be in June.
That's all from Skipper Steve for now but the girls would like to add there initial thoughts on this sailing lark.
Buy for now
Skipper Steve
Hello everyone!!
Having a great time, has totally surpassed my expectations, brilliant fun and beautiful scenery, pretty sure the girls feel the same. The boss hasn't managed to sack me yet so i suppose i must be doing ok!! Put the boat back in the water in tahiti and stayed in the marina for a few days then sailed to mo'orea a beautiful island off Tahiti yesterday. We're anchored a little way from the coast and snorkelled off the boat yesterday- amazing. have seen flying fish and apparently there are little sharks but haven't sen any yet. met lots of people from other boats, all really nice and different ages. anyways, won't bore you for too long I'll hand over to someone else,
lots of love..Kate xxx

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