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Cleone - in Tahiti Vol 2

Short Hop to Raiatea.

We short hopped to Raiatea. Actually, we did not. As you remember, when I left you, we were motor-sailing towards Raitea to get there in time for the Pearl Regatta. Well, towards ten in the evening, a sailing breeze set in, and for the next 7 hours we managed to do some sailing, at times rather slowly. But the breeze died towards dawn, so on went the Yanmar again. However - what a surprise - an hour later the breeze was back, so no more need for the Yanmar until we approached the wide and well-marked entrance through the reef.

On the way, the chit-chat on WARC's VHF net showed us that we were not going to be lonely - Asoloare, Talulah Ruby, Blue Flyer, and twins Storyteller and Southern Princess, were all headed our way for the same purpose. A couple of miles north of the entrance to the Lagoon, we anchored near the marina, and soon spotted the Regatta Village. Gathered there were also Wizard, Kasuje and Chantelle, and I have no doubt I have missed a couple of others. Registration, rain and beers with friends filled the rest of the afternoon, and briefings and a practice race will take care of today. But more of that anon.

Meanwhile, all fit, well and happy.

Best wishes to all,

Yacht Cleone
Off Uturoa (second largest town in French Polynesia)
Society Islands
French Polynesia

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