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Kasuje - Daily Log Monday 12th May

Bonjour from Bora Bora!
Well, we were meant to have left for Raratonga a few hours ago but have persuaded dad to let us stay another night CAUSE WE'RE HAVING TOO MUCH FUN. Poor dad, do feel slightly sorry for him, he said he thought having three girls was bad but four is impossible. We have chained him to the stove today, offered to cook dinner to return the favour to another boat but we accidentally invited 16 people- dads been bulking out the curry with all sorts of random ingredients, frantically cleaning up the yacht and trying to locate the stash of plates and glasses!
We disqualified ourselves from yesterdays race in the Regatta because we put the motor on- there wasn't enough wind to get us going, we were too hot and most importantly there was a chance that we would not make the finish, in time for the evenings entertainment. This was of much higher importance than finishing the race. Still enjoying all the festivities though, today was the last day and then it,s the prizegiving and general mayhem.
We are receiving a fair amount of attention being the only predominantly female boat in a regatta that is predominantly male (and males that have been away at sea too long). Couple of boats of French young(ish) fellas who are starting to annoy. They stole 2 of my bikinis from the boat during the night and decided to parade around in them at the prize giving ceremony (hilarious). managed to get it back but was not impressed when they sailed past our boat later in the afternoon wearing another one. Needless to say i didn't see the funny side. Dad got his shot gun out. True story.
Dressing up in our team uniforms tonight-sarongs. Dad says if you can't beat them join them so he's donning a sarong in a lovely shade of pink and a blonde wig.Then it's all back to Kasuje for the curry. Heading off tomorrow to Raratonga to drop Sophie off (boo) and pick Jim up (!!!!!) at the weekend, maybe the gender balance on the boat will be restored but i reckon i can get jim in a sarong.....
Lots of love
Kate, Dad (Steve). Sophie, Ruby and Jen. xxxxxxx


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