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Kasuje - Daily log Wed 14th May

Hi from skipper Steve
I have eventually wrestled the computer away from the girls so that I can post a short log detailing our progress to date. We managed to complete the Tahiti Pearl Regatta in fine style and even managed to escape the wooden spoon. We all had a great time even though the racing for us was just a period of recovery from the night before. We ended the last evening with a Kasuje curry for 18!!!! quite a task when I thought I was catering for  6 only to be informed 2 hours before dishing up time that they had invited one or two others!!!

We, the girls Kasuje and i are currently on passage from Bora Bora to Rarotonga some 540 nm which should take about 3 days.Sophie is leaving us there ( booooo) but Jim is joining ( Huraaaaahhhhh male company at last). It is very peaceful at the moment as we are easing along at about 7 knots with a half moon for light and little swell. Katy is finding the motion difficult so has taken to her bunk but I have plenty of other willing hands to help share the watches. However Sophie and Jenny have taken the new long sleep record with 13 continuous hours, that will take some beating. I'm also taking the opportunity on this passage to catch up with routine maintenance and repairs with a jobs list which is presently still growing. I should have completed more whilst moored up at Bora Bora but we were having such fun that the boring maintenance bits did not appeal. The girls are having a great time and loving the Gucci sailing life with a string of frustrated young men left in their wake. I even had to resort to brandishing the air rifle when a herd of Frenchmen tried to board us. All in good fun but they soon turned tail.

I have tried to post one or two photos so I hope you receive them.

Hope you are well and keep in touch.
Kind Regards
Skipper Steve

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