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Graptolite - On the Rocks

16:29.40S 151:45.60W Bloody Mary's anchorage, Bora Bora, Tuesday 20th May AM

Did I say I was smug about being on a BBYC mooring buoy? Big mistake.

The wind blew up as expected during the early hours of Monday. A radio call from 'Northern Sky' said they had dragged their anchor and were bouncing on the reef. Heike and I took them our long line in the dingy and Colin hauled them back afloat on Grapto's winch. 'Northern Sky' then rafted up alongside Grapto sharing our buoy. So far so good. It's all very exciting when it's somebody else's boat with problems. No worries, I'll be waiving salvage rights this time Gerry.

A couple of hours later the rusty mooring buoy chain gave way and both yachts, now lashed together, slowly waltzed towards certain destruction on same reef. Fortunately Colin is a light sleeper. Engines were fired up and our makeshift Polynesian double-hulled canoe escaped seawards.

After some fuelling and provisioning in Vaitape we anchored again off Bloody Mary's restaurant and did some more snorkelling. I took a speargun but didn't catch anything although I would like to think some fish were badly frightened.

Dinner was had in Bloody Mary's. They do a drink of the same name with tomato juice and vodka which I'm sure is just a coincidence.


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