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Cleone - Leg 7 Day 1 - Little or no Wind

Leg 7 starts, but the fleet splits.
There was the usual rushing around and the a couple of mini-dramas at the start of Leg 7, but most got away safely.  We expected Maamalni and were hoping for Quasar to join at the start for the first time, but sadly neither showed; we hope to see both back with us soon.  And it was also sad to see so many other absentees - Blue Flyer (hopefully temporarily), Candela and Far Out have left the rally for different reasons, and Whitbread, Storyteller and Southern Princess, we think because of technical troubles, were also unable to make the start.  But it was great to see the example set by Wizard; a sailing boat does not need an engine to get to the start and to set off into the Pacific.  And the Committee Boat moved as soon as the gun went off, and rushed off to the West, so technically Cleone and others never crossed the line at all!
The fleet has split into two.  The minority - about 12 - have followed Kasuje to Raratonga, whilst the other 18 or so (including Cleone) are making their way on a more northerly course to Suwarrow.  Thereafter, we all hope to pay a short visit (we've been asked to keep it to 72 hours or less) to Niue before making towards Tonga, which is our next proper Rendezvous.  Whilst it separates friends for a time, the split is helpful.  Suwarrow is a nature reserve (with a lone guardian) and there is limited space in the anchorage.  So they've asked us to limit the fleet to 20, and therefore the split has worked nicely.  Cleone is in the Northern Party.
As to progress, this has been less than sparkling.  The winds are light, and we are unlikely to make much more than 80 miles in the first day, and less than that towards Suworrow.  And the forecast is not promising much more help over the next few days.  I expect we will be forced to use the engine, though we don't have enough fuel to reach Niue, the next place where stocks are available.  We've Asolare still in sight; she like us hasn't yet resorted to the motor.  As usual, Peter has been very generous with help on weather and routing information, and we will be talking to him again soon.  Meanwhile, the wind has backed and filled in, we have gybed onto the starboard tack, and are now making our rhumb-line course.  But we have had to give up on the spinnaker as the wind is still moving round towards the North.  You will no doubt hear more tomorrow!
It is great to be at sea again, and we are straight back into our 4-on-4-off routine, wondering how long the fresh food is going to last, and looking forward to the sights and sounds of Suworrow.
Best wishes to everyone; all well with us.
James, Chris, Elizabeth and Will
Yacht Cleone
16.38S 152.54W

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