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Lady Kay - meeting the chief

Yesterday we went ashore to pay our respects to the Chief and ask his permission to visit the island. We beached the dingy and were greeted by one of the villagers who took us to meet the Chief. We were invited into his house and sat on a mat while he asked us (the men) questions, such as what religion were we, and which parts of the island did we want to visit. We then presented the kava - he seemed really pleased, and did the traditional kava blessing which involves lots of clapping and chanting. The picture shows Michael and Don on either side of the Chief. A girl and her brother were then summoned to take us on a tour up to the waterfall and the higher 'gardens' which grow mainly casava. Quite a tricky walk up a dried river bed and then a steep slope, but we eventually made it to a hanging valley where each family has its own garden. Our guide, Anna, was a bright spark and told us a lot about the village and how her brother (not so bright!) was going to be a doctor. She then sent her brother back to get a machete and climbed a coconut tree to get each of us a drinking coconut. She opened the nuts very skillfully using the machete. Picture of Anna up the tree in next log. After quenching our thirst we then walked back to the village and visited another house where some women of the village showed us beads and fabrics we could buy. An interesting and enjoyable morning. We did a bit of boat sorting after lunch and then went for a meal on Harmonie, also joined by Roger and Sabine from Branec.


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