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Quasar V of Lleyn - Another day!

Wednesday 29th October


Engine goes on at the end of my 3.30 to 6 watch and we are at last making a better course! From the grib files I downloaded this morning it looks like we will be motoring until we get there! 

Excitement this morning as a large gas tanker "Sestao Knutsen" is heading straight for us! Lindsey calls him on channel 16 and he admits not having seen us! He makes a 120 degree turn to pass port to port!  

Spent most of the day cooking. Another spag bol for the freezer for the visit of "Kualula" (now postponed as they have stopped off in Rodriquez to surf as they have no wind) and a chilli chicken for the evening, which was a bit of an adaptation as we now only have potatoes and one chilli left as fresh vegetables. Used the last of the oranges (with brandy) and Malcy finished off a tiny bit of vodka for "sundowners" (we finished the gin yesterday) and we finished off the last 2 bottles of wine (well almost, the last was so poor none of us wanted to drink it!). However I am pleased to report that we still have about 147 cans of beer, (XXXX and Heineken) on board and still a few bars of chocolate! 

At 03:00 Thursday we are still motoring and about 65 nm from Port Louis 19.53S 58.29E


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