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Kasuje - On our way to Africa....!

Hi from Skipper Steve,

We decided to cut our ties with land a little earlier than the WARC fleet and we left the delightful island of Reunion at 12.00 local time on Thursday, for the 1400 nm passage to Durban. The weather forecast was quite benign and so it has proved to be with light, up to 10 knts, of SE - NE breeze. The seas are a little mixed and so we are slowly rolling along, drift sailing at approximately 5.5 knts. At the present rate it will take us a good 10 days to reach landfall but we are in no hurry and enjoying being back at sea and the slow steady sail. Dennis is now fully acclimatized back into boat life, we have blues music on the CD and the cooking is reaching new heights. The fishing however has been put on hold for a day or two as yesterday we fortunately managed to catch the fattest tuna yet, which after being named Tina is now nicely steaked and frozen with enough meat to last us the whole trip.....! Tomorrow we will experiment with sushi........!!!

As for Reunion island what a difference to Mauritius, a piece of French heaven stuck in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The French really do keep their holiday destinations to themselves.! The landscape carved by the volcanic action millions of years ago is awesome with steep gorges, high ridge walks, and beautiful isolated villages. You could easily spend a month trekking and taking in the splendor of the mountains. There were excellent French/Creole restaurants and we enjoyed a great trip with a few of our WARC friends into the heart of the island.
As for the next few days we will carry on slowly edging our way down the east coast of Madagascar before turning right and heading directly for Durban.

All is well on the good ship Kasuje. Present position 24.15S 53.10 E

Bye for now
Skipper Steve

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