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Andante of Mersey - Spectacular Reunion and Onward

Reunion Isle, a Department of France, is a mountainous, volcanic, very green and friendly island.  A crowd of us hired a 9 seater mini bus for a couple of days, drove up a 7000ft and a 5000ft piton ( needle shaped mountains ).  In the evening we met up with other crews and 17 of us ate together in the hotel we were staying at, in the middle of the island.  The bar staff had trouble coping with us. The views everywhere were spectacular, above and below the clouds.  All in all we agreed that this was a great place to visit - maybe even the best so far- our french hosts could not have made us more welcome.  By the way vehicle broke down twice - once in a very tricky place - but our good humour saw us through.
We are now 120 miles SE of Madagasgar - 3 days into the 9 day sail to S.Africa. The weather is so so - 30kts on the beam and lumpy seas.  Had roast leg of lamb 2nd night out and cold leg of lamb yesterday - chopped up in bowls - and there is fish pie tonight so we not doing too badly! Always thinking of you all, love/best regards Ann and me

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