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Talulah Ruby II - Talulah's Fish Tale


We managed to miss the thunder storms earlier this week and so far the wind has been kind,but this is not an easy bit of water to cross. At the moment we have a strong current with us long may that continue. Yesterday was the most memorable day at sea ever, off the bottom of Madagascar we sailed into an area full of Humpback Whales, we must have seen at least 60 during the day, all of them beating the water with their fins or leaping straight out of the sea, which as they can reach 18 size is some sight! We had to steer round a few of them as they were in our path, so got very close, but the unforgettable sighting of all, which also explains their behavior, was of 2 mating Whales their tails high out of the water for 10 min. or so. We sailed nearby what an absolutely fantastic spectacle.We only have 560 ml. to South Africa now, but must pass through the Agulhas current, and some bumpy weather is predicted, I think we shall all be very glad when we reach Richards Bay. Hope you guys are all well, and we send Love as always.Paul Andy and De Talulhrubians

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