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Cleone - CLEONE Leg 20 Day 7 - The President Elect

Barak Obama's success has stimulated conversation on board Cleone as much as anywhere else. 
But unlike most places, we've a resident (and captive) expert to talk us through the subtleties of American Politics and of American Life itself.  As well as politics, we have also taken time out to deal with other, perhaps more important, aspects of US culture.  The Rules (such as they are) of American Football are no longer a mystery to us, but sad to report, try as we might, Alex will never understand cricket, let alone Rugby.

We have touched on Cycling (come clean, Lance, we know all about you) and Baseball (do you know the difference between a curved ball and seam bowling?), and the difference between Ivy League and non-Ivy League and the Ozarks (separate subject; we now know that they are a mysterious part of Missouri and Arkansas (and why is it pronounced 'Arkansaw' when it's spelt 'Arkansas'?).  I am now only kidding when I question Alex which letter of the alphabet is 'zee', and I almost know the difference between a Senator and a Congressman.  Believe me, this is a hot-house of learning and we've not just concentrated on the short-comings of Bill from Arkansas (remember Monica?) or how many Americans did not vote for George Dubya.  (I mean, have you ever met an American who did vote for Dubya, let alone admit to it?).  I won't go into details of our most important specialist subject.  Suffice it to say that the Skipper's written thesis will be on the subject of Cheerleaders, focusing on why the Dallas Cowboys' Troupe are the best, and Norfy's will be a historical one on the Use of Pigskin in the Manufacture of the American Football (yes, this will be a particularly succinct, but no doubt very exciting piece of work).
Putting all this aside, unlike the crew of Cleone, the BBC World Service, which fades in and out as we listen and has a satisfyingly old fashioned dose of static, has talked about little else since Obama's victory.  It is obviously a very exciting time for America and thus for the rest of us.  It is no surprise that MaCain (and if the spelling is wrong, then Ask Alex) never came near being elected.  He's too old (believe me, ageism is rampant in UK, too), and since when did retired (or not so retired) generals (after Ike) make good political leaders in the modern world? 

After the short-comings of the current Administration, Obama represents the great hope (no, I can't use the traditional adjective) for the future.  As well as trying to repair America's tarnished image abroad, he will have a lot of house-keeping to do, and no doubt he will introduce some exciting new policies.  None of these will affect us at the moment as we worry about the weather in the middle of the Indian Ocean.  But it would be nice if, at the end of it, Americans could refer to themselves as just Americans (or United Statesians - the Canadians, Mexicans, Cubans etc seem to think they are some kind of Americans as well), rather than carrying a pre-defining handle.  Mind you, us Britons are just as bad - the Skipper think's he's an Indo-Scotsman married to a Cornishwoman, and, tha knows, Norfy's a Yorkshireman.
No wind this morning, so we are motoring in an awkward leftover swell and trying to fathom out the current.  We are still pondering Bruce's forecast.  The first spell of bad weather ahead should slide northwards in front of us, but the second needs either to speed up or slow down, or at our present rate we will go straight through it as we approach Richards Bay.
All is well with us, and best wishes to everyone.  And sincere good luck to President Barak Obama as well.
James, Norfy (Chris) and Alex
Yacht Cleone
27o38'S 039o27'E

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