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La Boheme - La Boheme

Day 8 - What a change!

Yesterday at 11am it came all of a sudden (although we were prepared) the winds building in gusts to 50 knots. The prediction was for conditions to ease after 6 hours but 12 hours later we were still battling winds gusting to 40 knots. No cooking today, we tried to make a cup of tea most of it ended up in sink. Well a bit of starvation won't kill us, so we dreamed of 2 minute noodles....promise finally fulfilled at 2am when the boat action allowed me to open the cupboard. Finally at around 5am this morning the wind dropped to 20/25 knots and the sea began to subside. We were in storm for 18 hours. I finally went to bed at 5am to wake up at 10am to different world. That was a change!

Anna for La Boheme

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