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Andante of Mersey - Start of the Cape to Bahia Race.

After fitting the new sails with the boat number as per sailing instructions, refuelling, reprovisioning and generally getting Andante shipshape we were ready for the start of the Cape to Bahia Race.

At 1130 on the 3rd Jan 2009 we all assembled at the Royal Cape Yacht Club for a blessing for the boats and the race. A jazz band started playing afterwards and the whole atmosphere was jolly.

We had previously had a Race briefing from both Andrew Bishop and Eric Wells the Race Officer.
We left the berth at 1230 and motored slowly to the start line. we were probably a bit too early as I could not see the start line. I could only see the first rounding mark and now the only rounding mark as there was a late change in the course. Eventually I found the start line and got myself into a reasonable holding position just out of the main fairway ready for the gun. It was just as well I did as a large vessel started to enter the harbour minutes before the start, creating great confusion. 

The start went very well for us and we had plenty of room to tack when we wanted to as we beat to the first mark. The were many spectator boats but they all cleared out of our way as we powered with full rig towards them.
The start was at 1400 and shortly afterwards the wind started to die but we were not allowed to use the engines for 2 hours after the start. At 1600 we started the engine and powered for 2.5 hours when the wind filled in again around 10-12 kts.

The following day was idyllic for Andante with 18-20 kts moving us along at 7+ kts. with the genoa poled out to port.  During the afternoon we had a school of about 20 -25 long finned pilot whales near the boat with about 6 jumping out of the water. They had very rounded heads. It was lovely and sunny but the breeze was cool. Lunch was very tasty BLT's prepared by Ann and the evening meal was a concoction of pork strips done in wine with bean sprouts and green beans done by Chris ....suberb.
During the night the wind increased a little to 20-23kts and we were doing over 8 kts. a rare occurence for Andante. At 0300 the wind veered to the South and we had to take the pole down and set the genoa to starboard. The staysail was also deployed and the speed was maintained at over 8 kts all through the night. When I plotted our positions on the chart I found we had done 198 miles from 0700 UTC 4th Jan to 0700 UTC on the 5th. This was only bettered when we were in the Aguhlas current being helped along at 5 kts!

Lunch the following day was a superb creation by Chris of smoked salmon with asparagus and spring onions covered with Bearnaise Sauce. Evening meal was leg of lamb roast potatoes, cabbage and carrotts...superb.

Last night the wind dropped to 13-15 kts so our brilliant start was not going to last. At 0500 the wind backed and so we goose winged again. When I got up to do the morning position reporting, Keith informed me that he had been dawn fishing. No sooner had he got the lure in when he had a bite...and what a bite. He got out the rod holder to brace the rod against his abdomen and fought this fish for an hour. Initially the line ran out he reckons for 1 mile the brake on our new reel incabable of stopping it. When we bought the reel the vendor said we would never need to push the brake beyond a certain point but we had it full on!. Thankfully the fish eventually left the line and lure intact and boat speed immediately increased from 4 kts to 6 kts! Heaven knows what he had hooked.

On downloading the emails we found out we were placed 9th out of 34 starters!

Mandy and Cody had instigated a beard growing competition prior to the start to be assessed in Salvador. My bare chin was photographed at Capetown and I now look like a criminal! All the news for now, Bob and crew Andante of Mersey.

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