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Cleone - Leg 22 Day 3 - More Wind Less Wind

On the pace throughout the night; today progress has slowed.
We have made cracking progress so far, but during the course of last night, as predicted by Bruce, the wind began to ease.  Luckily we are being treated the same as everyone else; even Branec, miles ahead as usual, reported only eight knots of breeze.  But the difference is, he will be making eight or more knots through the water, whilst we are languishing at about 5.  We had the galling experience of more or less catching up with Viva during the night, and then seeing her pulling away steadily come the day, despite our efforts with our spinnaker.  And we could see no sign of how she did it!
Meanwhile, on board all is well.  Nausea is a thing of the past and the crew falls asleep more or less on demand.  The sea sparkles, the fishing line stretches away from the stern and Shayne is ever attentive as he listens for the whine of the reel.  So far, he's not been troubled, but like every good fisherman he remains stoic but hopefull.  If he is successful, since we don't have a freezer, the rest of us can look forward to a diet of Tuna Tatare, Tuna Steaks, Tuna Salad and Curried Tuna repeated until it actually runs out!  But it will make a great change from tins.  We live in hope.
All well on board, and best wishes from
James, Graham, Jenni and Shayne
Yacht Cleone
31o08'S 013o44'E

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