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Voyageur - Log day 56 - I told you so! You have been warned.

21 March 2010

We were warned. It is the year of El Nino, expect lighter winds. It is proving to be so. We have seen nothing above twenty knots since our departure from Galapagos two weeks ago and are now ghosting along at just over 4knots in around 8knots of wind after two days of slow but steady sailing, the twin headsails drawing nicely. But now there is not a cloud in the sky, not a white crest to be seen on this heaving undulating expanse of ocean. From the daily positions given over the net it would appear that everyone is reluctant to use the engine. The boats that stayed further north have had the best wind conditions overall. The Marquesas archipelago has come into view on the right hand edge of our electronic chart but the ETA in the navigational data box below us teases. It recedes day by day, first the 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th.... The boat speed falls below 3knots. Oh, to heck with the racing! Time to deploy that iron sail again.....

Susan Mackay

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