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Voyageur - Log day 58 - "Cruising in company"

23 March 2010

There has hardly been a single day when we have not had a sighting of another WARC yacht. To see a white speck of sail, popping up as if out of nowhere sets up a discussion about who it might be, and has us busily scrutinizing the daily positions reports. So long as we all maintain a safe distance it is very comforting to see another little light during the long hours of darkness, nearly twelve hours. It has also made for pleasant social contact via the short wave radio. In the days when we were in hailing distance of Ronja , we were all entertained with a nightly concert, courtesy of Patrik(guitar) and Vilde(vocals)! To begin with we were part of a small group, Eowyn, Ronja and Dreamcatcher. Gradually Dreamcatcher and Voyageur pulled ahead, sailing together for several days. We came across Brown Eyed Girl, but that reunion was short lived as they left us both in their wake. "Goodbye folks" said Tom teasingly, "see you in the Marquesas"! Liza was the next to catch us before a squall carried them away over the horizon. Then followed a very brief period when we were entirely on our own but that was short lived. It wasn't long before we encountered Lady Ev and that meeting endured, lasting well over five days. Now As I write this we have Noeluna as our latest cruising buddies. We have the same agenda. That is to reach Marquesas by the 25th, now just two days away. Having struggled all last night to maintain five knots, today we have the first satisfactory sailing wind for many days and provided the wind stays with us, we are on target with our ETA. But David is quite definite. If our speed falls below five and half knots we will use the engine. But it all depends whether Aeolus can cease day dreaming and stay awake during the night watch....

Susan Mackay

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