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Tucanon - 3 weeks weed growth on the boat


Monday 22nd and we have been at sea for 2 weeks, covered in excess of 2000nm
(nautical miles) and have managed not to have to use the engines at all
which is really great. The rest of the fleet used their engines soon after
we left Academy bay, Galapagos and most of those, some 200+ nm ahead of us,
have resorted to the iron sail once again. We are hoping that we might be
able to sail the entire distance of 3000nm, which would be really
Today around 8am we reached the point where we had traveled ¾ of the
distance. Around 16.30 we crossed yet another time zone so are theoretically
nine hours behind UT (universal time) though we won't put this into practice
until tomorrow when it is easier to absorb during the daytime, adjusting the
watch system to incorporate that extra hour.
We had problems with the generator last evening and although Dick was unable
to identify the cause of the problem, he managed to get it to work for us.
Unfortunately, the unidentified problem returned next morning and was
ultimately found to be the impellor. Not that one could see anything
obviously wrong with it but to the discerning eye, the cogs had reversed.
How that could have occurred is anyone's guess but having established the
cause it was just a case of fitting a new impellor and we were back in
If it was necessary, we could recharge the batteries using the engines but
that is not as efficient and wouldn't solve the problem entirely. The
water-maker is connected directly to the generator and would need to be
re-wired. However, all would not be lost.
The Victron equipment is not working satisfactorily as it keeps overheating
when we are recharging the batteries. We have resorted to removing the
protective covers to allow more air to reach the units but that isn't
helping. They are not in a location where anyone can brush against them
accidentally. They are in a very awkward, almost inaccessible place. Isn't
everything on a boat that needs attention located in a place that one has
difficulty in accessing?
We have had a fishing line behind the boat for three days now, two fishing
lines today. Not a bite. I don't mind too much as I am not a major fish fan
and I find it distressing to catch these beautiful creatures, even though we
are going to eat them.
Dick saw a huge flying fish, almost as large as a salmon. This is the
largest flying fish that he has seen though I do remember when I was
returning by passenger liner from Cape Town, way back in 1972, the flying
fish we saw then were huge, nothing like these tiddlers that are so much in
A couple of nights ago we saw a boat on the radar and at first thought
perhaps we had caught up with one of the other WARC boats. Tucanon and
Ariane have been taking turns to be the lead boat of us stragglers. Not so.
It never came closer than just under four nautical miles but was very
brightly lit. We decided it was a fishing boat but over 500nm from the
Marquesas and thousands of miles from continental land.

Thursday 25th and we have less that 10% of the passage still to do. Having
left the Galapagos on the 7th, we now feel that being at sea is the norm and
are contently living our lives accordingly.
Despite the hundredss of sunsets that I have watched from the sea, tonight
was the first time that I saw the green flash. Dick, standing next to me
didn't see it. Amazing!
The salad stuff is now much reduced. We are down to our last cabbage with
only one green pepper, one cucumber and one tomato remaining since lunch
today. As of tomorrow, fresh fruit will consist of only grapefruit, apples,
lemons and limes. The last orange was consumed yesterday and the last
passion fruit today.
Dolphins came to the boat about 8pm and although it was great to see them,
because the moon was shining brightly, Bev missed the opportunity to see the
phosphorescence, as they made their way through the water in the darkness.
On the morning of the 26th, there are only half a dozen boats still making
passage. Three of these boats are behind us though two of them didn't leave
the Galapagos until several days after the official start of this leg.
There is not enough wind to maintain an average of 5knots which is a
disappointment. We really don't want to have to use the engines and now
expect to arrive after dark on the 27th or even during the early hours of
The sugar scoops on the boat are covered in seaweed after the three week
passage. Fortunately it should scrub off quite easily but looks most
unattractive. The waterline is equally festooned. Monday morning, while Dick
and I were getting in some provisions at horrendously expensive prices, the
crew managed to clean the growth from the sugar scoops and some of the hull.
The photo doesn't do it justice as the step was covered with seaweed until
we arrived in this anchorage. The lack of water over the step and the hot
sunshine has killed it and faded it from green to beige.
All of the boats which left Galapagos have now arrived, some have already
moved off to cruise the other islands. We will stay here until Wednesday
when we will sail to Paumau on the north of the island where there are 5 of
the largest tikis in this archipelago.


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