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Crazy Horse - Happy Easter

We are here at anchorage in Nuku Hiva. We had hoped to get fuel and reprovision but forgot it was Easter this weekend. We are not sure what will be open. Things may be totally closed down until Monday. We are planning on taking the trip ashore in a short while. Ocean Jasper is here with us. A
Lady is supposed to arrive today. They may have realized Easter and decided to stay on another island.

Wild Tigris is here with prop problems too. They sound very complicated. Hopefully they will be able to get it fixed and get on with their journey. We hope our prop stays together until Tahiti where we hope to have it replaced if all goes as planned.

We had quite a rough passage from Fatu Hiva to here yesterday. The wind was blowing from one direction and the waves and current from another. It was quite bumpy and rolly. Crazy Horse just rolled from one side to the other constantly. Matt has caught some kind of bug so I am sure all that movement didn't help! Gave him some of my penicillin and hope that will revive his health. He has been sleeping for going on 2 days now.

We are all a little tired now since we made the passage at night and didn't get lots of sleep. We will be revived with a shopping spree and some fuel.

More about Nuku Hiva later.

Rosemary, Bill , and Matt

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