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A Lady - "A LADY TRIP" Sailing around the world (presently in " TAHUATA" the Marquesas Islands, South Pacific)

Friday, 2nd April 2010 - Tim Cadogan's birthday - GOOD FRIDAY
07.00hrs All up and about and making ourselves busy as we are about to leave this Island. We went for an early swim first and then hauled the rib onto the dericks, Donal doing the hauling. Yesterday we towed the rib behind, but it was a much shorter trip only 35miles as opposed to todays journey of approx 60miles NW.
08.00hrs We weighed anchor and set sail
Wind: E28/34 knots
Seas: moderate
Sailing: broad reach, with full sails
S.O G.: 8.5/9.5 knots touching 10.5 at times
Weather: What a beautifull sailing day, clear blue skies, deep blue seas, lots of bird life and lots of wind in the right direction. Again, it really makes appriciate the boat we have, solid, comfortable, stable in all conditions and really terrific in these conditions. Long live Oyster 56. The race horse and work horse, all rolled into one.
Our Rugby team "Munster" are playing Leinster today. So we have our Munster flag flying off the back of the boat.
The next Island is Ua Pou. This is where Robert Louis Stevenson based his book "treasure Island" and what an Island it turned out to be ! We talked about Jerassic Park a few days ago. Well this Jerassic Park and  King Kong rolled into one. We have run out of descriptions for the Islands and its inspiring.
17.00hrs We sailed into Hakahau, a port on the NE of the Island. and dropped anchor in between a Tug and a couple of Barges. It seems that the harbour is being dredged. Then when we settled down, we spoke to the skipper of the Tug, "YORK SYME". A Kiwi, from Auckland and of course of Irish decent and there we were flying our Munster Flag, which he immidiatly recognised. Anyway, Peter  (the Skipper) wanted to know if any of our readers have ever come across a book called " David Bensons Flying Squad ". David Benson was his great, great granuncle from ireland and the book is about a rebel squad. It seems there were only a few of these books ever printed.
18.00hrs  A & S went ashore and located a church and listened to the local choir of about 50 men, women and children
singing in harmony,, heart lifting stuff, along with guitars, drums etc......  Fantastic.
Next thing, the singing stopped and everyone rushed out of the Church to witness a Jeep go up in flames just a few meters away.
GOSH, what next ! Back to the boat, where Aileen made a rice and salmon dish. This was followed by her making a soda bread, which was excellent, and Fats did a bananna and rum desert...
Bed early. We needed it as we spent most of the night up on deck. Tune into tomorrow for the next instalment.
Good night
Stephen Hyde (skipper)

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