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A Lady - "A LADY TRIP" Sailing around the World...

Sunday, 4th April 2010 - EASTER SUNDAY
06.00hrs  Beautifull day again. However there was a big issue over water again, second time in a few weeks. Stupid upset the whole ship. Anyway, we decided to leave Ua Pou and head for " Nuka Hiva "  a distance of 25miles NW. We tied the rib on behind, raised anchor and set sail. One reef in the main and the staysail. The wind was blowing 25/28 knots E. Average speed, 7.2 knots.
13.30hrs  We dropped anchor in Taiohae. The main port in " Nuku Hiva ",  a fine big harbour for a change, we also put down a stern anchor to keep her facing the swell. Crazy Horse and Ocean Jasper were already here plus about another 10 yachts (not on the World ARC). Bob from Ocean Jasper came to A Lady  and downloaded some very good photos of A Lady under sail... thanks Bob! Later, we did some house work, including cleaning the windows, cricky the amount of salt on these, even after a short sail is amazing.

19.00 hrs  After a lovely swim, Donal prepared a leg of lamb for dinner, including all the veg, roast potatoes and gravy. When finished, we watched a W W 2 film called the " ROCK ". It was about the American G.I.s in The Galapagos , A good film.  Historical. On Deck later, we watched the "Milky Wa", "the Southern Cross", "Orion " and "Sirious" none of these can be seen from the northern hemisphere, except a continuation of the milky way.
Thats it for now,
Stephen Hyde (Skipper)

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