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"A LADY TRIP" Sailing around the World (presently at sea, between the Marquesas and The Tuamotu Archipelago)

Friday, 9th April 2010
00.30hrs  A yacht could be seen 6 miles to port. Otherwise we motored all night as the winds were very slack and saw nothing else.
08.00hrs  We had only covered 100miles, for us, thats slow going. We all took naps during the morning, plus having a look at the grib files for the weather over the next 72 hours. Hmmmmm, all very slack winds, perhaps an increase in pressure on Saturday afternoon/Sunday Morning (our ETA).
Meanwhile in the relatively calm conditions, we took the opportunity to do some polishing and cleaning of the chrome and S.S. fittings. We also did some reading. Aileen got into a book, which she had read before about  "eating right 4 your blood type". Its interesting in that the Skipper has B positive blood and never liked tomatoes and guess what? they are top of the list of food that does not suit his blood type, also peanuts are high on the list of hates and the skipper has suffered very badly on occasions from eating peanuts, almost being put into hospital on a few occasions in Spain.
Then on the other hand, he loves dairy products such as milk, butter, cheese's, cream, eggs and they suit his system perfectly, according to the book, no side effects like cholesterol, etc and easily digested. Of course this book could take a week to read and longer to digest, so we will stop here but it is interesting.
Later, while Donal was having the usual afternoon siesta, the Skipper spent 2 hours preparing and making a Chicken Pie, using the onion gravy that Donal made yesterday. Actually, it turned out to be very good. Yum, Yum!
The Sunset was again terrific, day after day, beautiful sunsets
The night watches are:    Donal......... 21.00hrs   to    01.00hrs
                                     Stephen......01.00hrs   to    05.00hrs
                                     Aileen.........05.00hrs   to    09.00hrs
Thats it for today,
Stephen Hyde (Skipper)

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