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"A LADY TRIP" Sailing around the World (presently at sea, between Manihi and Rangiroa in the Tuamotou Islands)

Wednesday,14th April 2010 

07.00hrs Another beautiful day, skipper cleaned the cockpit after last nights dinner and then did the blog and sorted out the emails etc, while the rest had a good rest in their cosy berths.
10.00hrs We weighed anchor (with a little difficulty) and motored 6 miles SW to the capitol Village of the Island. A very small little place, filled with happy people. S & A spent some time ashore and got some small items such as beer and soft drinks (bloody expensive here). We also met the crews from "Voyageur" and "Ronja" ashore. The Ruud family are on board Ronja with some of the kids friends and come from Norway. There are at least six of them on board their "Jeanneau SO 49DS" and are good company. We all had some ice cream and nearly cleaned out the village of their stocks.
13.00hrs Back on board, Aileen set about making some brown bread, while D & S  made the boat ready for going to sea.
15.30hrs With the smell of freshly baked wafting around the boat, we weighed anchor once more, this time the anchor took a long time to free it from the blooming coral rocks.

16.00hrs We cleared the entrance channel and set the sails in a nice E  20knot breeze. Ohhh what lovely sailing! We left a beautiful place but there are many more such places around here that we must explore.
20.00hrs Dinner by Fats, this consisted of a stew and was just yam, yam!
 Night Watches :-        Donal................. 21.00hrs   to  01.00hrs
                                 Alien...................01.00hrs   to  05.00hrs
                                 Stephen..............05.00hrs   to  09.00hrs
We are glad to see that at least the Gnomons and one of their friends read the blog. Well done and thanks for letting us know.
Thats it for now,
Stephen  Hyde (Skipper)

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