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"A LADY TRIP" Sailing around the world

Thursday, 15th April 2010
A beautiful night. Motor sailed most of the night as the wind was so light. We passed 2 ships during the night, one very close.

05.30hrs   We could see the Palm trees on the horizon and by now the sea was flat.
06.30hrs   We were at the entrance/pass to the lagoon (one of the biggest in the Tuamotou Islands).
There were big waves at the entrance, because of the tide and about 10 big Dolphins jumping 3' clear of the waves and looking like a troop of dancers.
07.00hrs  We dropped anchor and after some repositioning, finally got it bedded in sand. Another Paradise.
We got the emails and blogs out of the way and Aileen decided that she would go home from Tahiti for a few weeks,
missing the family and friends.
10.30hrs  Donal took off in the rib to explore the Island, while Stephen changed the fan belts on the engine and topped up the cooling fluids for the engine and generator, plus checked the anodes in the engine.
Aileen did some emailing and had a long rest as she was feeling tired from her long night shift.
Skipper swam ashore for some exercise and later joined Donal for some snorkeling at the pass. This was amazing, swimming with Ray's and Sharks, plus the millions of other fishes. It was like being in a big Gold fish Bowl.
After more naps, Donal and Stephen went ashore for dinner in a local "Pension" (Guest House). A fish dinner with fried bread fruit only very so, so... Later on our way back to the rib, we came across some women fishing off the end of the pier. Some of the women were soooo big, that even Fat's admitted they made him look positively slim.
Feeling good, we went back to the boat and had an early night, Aileen was watching DVD's.
We did have a good night's sleep
That it for today.
Stephen Hyde (Skipper)

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