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"A LADY TRIP" Sailing around the world and avoiding Volcanic ash, recession in Europe and Depression in Ireland

Friday,16th April 2010
07.30hrs Another beautiful morning with little or no wind.
Donal got busy on the phone arranging shore transport. It seems like some sort of buggy's.
Skipper got busy doing blog and emails and was followed by Aileen with more emails,
08.45hrs We went for a swim in the underfill clear pale blue water... criky, one could spend all day in the sea.
09.30hrs We went ashore, were collected and taken to the "Maitai" Hotel for our buggies.
Oh, what a laugh, we were thinking of golf buggies. But no, these were referred to as "Fun Cars" and looked like a small Bubble car with an open top. Aileen and Skipper buzzed off in theirs, followed by Donal after he managed to squeeze into his, this took a bit of time.
Later S & A abandoned their buggy as it had a broken exhaust pipe, and it was replaced with what we could only describe as a WW2 tubular steel dune buggy... A complete rattle trap, but did the job and it was funny, we must have looked like two old farts rattling along in this yoke but it was really fun and cool as well, plus they only cost €40 per day and that's real cheap out here.
We had lunch in the hotel and it was excellent. Later we went for a swim off the back of the boat before going for pre dinner drinks on board "Voyageur". Skipper, Aileen and Donal were booked into the hotel, so we set off from the dock in our buggies. Oh £$%^&! We have no lights in our buggy, well there were lights, but just didn't work. and we had to use them as we had no other transportation and the Hotel was 5 miles away.......... Ahhh sure God loves a trier, so we dove off once more with Aileen shining her small little LED torch, and it was pitch black , except for all those shinning stars. It was like driving with a patch on one eye, and the other eye in the pocket....................... but we made it in one piece. The hotel were alarmed that we did what we did and immediately arranged a transport for our return journey. We had a great dinner, in wonderful surroundings over looking the sea. We got our lift back later and had a reasonably early night.
Stephen Hyde (Skipper)

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