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Crazy Horse - Still in Moorea

We are still here in Cook's Bay. Hard to leave when we have made such good friends with the folks at the Blue Pineapple. That is the place we have been eating breakfast and once for lunch. The ladies, especially Elma and Tiara, are kind and sooooo in love with Matt. They make the perfect eggs, pancakes, and believe it or not bacon. That is something hard to come by on these islands. Coffee here is great. And we always have the friendly chickens to clean up any crumbs we leave behind.

There is a special drink called "Tahitian Drink" made out of all the fresh fruit from this island. They let all the fruit ferment and it becomes a pleasant mild alcoholic drink that
one could become accustomed to.

All the senses seem to be happy here. How will we ever leave? That's right-Lisa is coming to Tahiti on Saturday.

Yesterday we went to church at St. Joseph's right here near the anchorage. It was all in French but we loved it and the music was just amazing. They had guitars, ukelalees, and the most wonderful voices. What a lot of good energy!

I think all in all this is our favorite place so far. Do I say that for
every place? But really this is wonderful here. This morning at the dock near the Blue Pineapple they were feeding the sting rays and sharks a 60lb tuna for breakfast. Actually, the shark that came was
very polite moving around the rays until he grabbed that tail and really let it rip. They came in about 5 feet of water so we had a good show.

Went food shopping today and found potato chips- oh my! This might just be
the best of worlds.

Rosemary,Bill, and Matt

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