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"A LADY TRIP" Sailing around the World.

Monday,19th April 2010  Rangiroa,  The Tuamotu Islands,  French Polynesia, South Pacific.
We had lots of rain during the night, this is often a problem, particularly when we leave the windows and hatches open for ventilation. Keeping cool at night is very important.
06.00hrs  Fats and Jan (Ronja) went off in our rib trying to locate Ronja's rib, but again failed and also they had to return to "A Lady" as the Skipper had a diving lesson at 08.00hrs.
08.30hrs  We got a message from "Lady Lisa" to say they saw a rib similar to Ronja's tied to a boat in the northern Pass, by the Church. So Fats and Jan took off again, this time in our rented car, and sure enough, they found the rib where "Lady Lisa" said it was. It had been rescued last night by a local who refused to take anything for his efforts.
The Skipper did a total of 3 dives as part of his course. One dive was outside the Pass at the edge of a big coral reef,
4 years ago, the famous "Gypsy Moth V" sank here on this reef while sailing out through the pass and took a short cut. We dived to a depth of 20m and saw lots of sharks, rays, dolphins, and anything else that could swim. It was like swimming in an Aquarium .
Donal did the dinner much later and it consisted of chicken drumsticks, and all the trimmings, especially the gravy, (claims to be the best in the world at gravy). And, and  they would give no drink to the skipper, because they said that it doesn't mix well with diving..... the !"£$%^&...

An early night,
Stephen Hyde (Skipper)

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