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Crazy Horse - Moorea to Tahiti

We had our last night on Moorea Wed. night. The Bali Hi had a great dance show and barbecue on the beach. Of course I had to try my dancing out again after I said I was giving up the grass skirt. A cute little fellow about 5 asked me and I couldn't refuse. This time Bill has me, Matt, Jim, Maggie,
and Bob on tape. Next time Bill and Ana are getting up to dance!

They had a great meal too at the Bali Hi too. We meet some great people there. They have an evening happy hour there where a gentleman named Muk gives a talk on the culture and development of the island. He even knew James Michner who wrote about the South Pacific and spent time on the island of Moorea. They say that some of the footage was filmed there.

We are currently beating our way to Tahiti. The wind and waves are big. Of course we are all excited to get there and find out where is the dock. Always seems like those last few miles take forever.

Will write when we have more information on Tahiti.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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