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Crazy Horse - back to Moorea

Seems like the vote to leave Moorea won out and we left on Tues. before the big rendevous. We were all quite hot and had not really found a good place to stay comparable to Moorea. So we boogied and are now in our peaceful anchorage in Moorea. When we arrived Matt, Lisa and I all got in the dinghy and had a great time snorkeling near the Pearl Resort on the reef there. It was great to see the fish and be in the cooler air.

We do miss the ARC staff and the rest of the sailors from ARC but will have a chance to reconnect in Raitea where many of us will participate in the Pearl Regatta. Everyone has said it is great fun, great sailing, and great parties.

It is so wonderful to have Lisa with us. Now we just have to get Eric and Karrie to come for a visit.That would be just the greatest. Of course we miss the rest of our family and friends but we just can't have everything! If there was only that thing from Star Trek "beam me up, Scottie".

I visited with Susan M. and David M. from Voyageur and relayed the message many of you have emailed me.Of course she is the most wonderful hostess and I couldn't get away without a cup of tea or coffee. She was quite pleased to know that you all read her blogs and enjoyed them. Thanks so much!

Today we will have breakfast at the Blue Pineapple with our ladies and try to make a reservation to see the Polynesian Show here at the Bali Hi and have the barbecue dinner. Matt and Lisa have more plans to snorkel today on some other parts of the island.

I think many of the folks from the ARC have intentions of visiting the anchorage here. I am sure they won't be disappointed. Refueling from the dinghy is on our list of jobs today along with hand
washing the clothes.

Rosemary, Bill, Matt and Lisa

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