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Crazy Horse - May 1

It is so hard to believe that it is May 1st already. Those of you at home managed to get through the worst winter in years. We have been sweating since Nov. 09. While this is not a hard thing for me it is a struggle for Bill. He has still not adjusted to the heat and continues with the heat rash. Well, enough of that!

Bill and I are back on the boat after a night at the Pearl Resort. Lisa and I stayed one night there too. It was nice with the a/c and the pool was fabulous. It was nice to spread out and actually have plenty of room and a shower that didn't move and plenty of water. Bill had his first pedicure and loved it. One is hard on one's feet on a boat and in the tropics. What a nice treat.
Crazy Horse and crew will be leaving Moorea tomorrow for Tahiti again. We hope to get hauled out and our propeller repaired before we move on to Raitea. We also need the bottom painted as we have no paint left after all the travelling we have done through these tropical waters.Bill has gotten the wind speed indicator fixed. Thank you Bill for that one! Trying to figure out the wind direction in the dark when taking or changing  sails at night is not fun. That will be easier when keeping the boat  pointed into the wind.

Well, Matt and Lisa and Bob have all gone snorkeling for one last time here on Moorea. We really have enjoyed this island and the people have been wonderful. Tonight we will have a farewell dinner to Moorea on our boat perhaps we will go to the Blue Pineapple for some island music too.


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