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A Lady - " A LADY TRIP " Sailing araoud the World with the World ARC 2010

SUNDAY  9th May   2010     ( Presently in Tahiti,  South Pacific )
We had a late start, feeling the worst for wear after last nights few scoops.
However the Skipper got into the rib and polished the port side of the boat before the sun got too hot.
It seemed much easier today, interesting enough, the vinegar purchased in Carrefour yesterday was 8% as opposes to the
original bottle which was 4%, so perhaps this helped make the job easier. when finished, " A  Lady " looked loke a new penny again.
At lunch time , the Skipper had a long nap, while Donal did some washing, he scrubbed the table matt's and hats, the hats get grubby here fast from
all the sun cream, so regular scrubbing is essential.  later , skipper cleaned the floor under the engine, it was full of oily water
from the engine service and changing the Water filters on the feed to the water maker.
this took about 2 hours and is a very akward job, but another job off the list.
While Donal was having his nap, skipper decided to change the seals in the steering wheel, Eddie Scougal in Oyster sent these seals to us
in "Las Palmas " so they are here for a long time, almost six months. this turned out to be much more tricky than it looked
and in the end skip had to abandone the project and ask Eddie for instructions..  ( As Fats says :-  RTFM, read the feckin manual )
Munster were playing Cardiff in the Magners league , but we havent got any results to important match for Munster..
Later, we invited John and Cher from " J Sea "  over to " A Lady " for a pre dinner drink..  J Sea had only just arrieved in Tahiti
yesterday, having come almost direct from Panama....
Dinner was by " Fats"  and consisted of Magre of Duck, an interesting array of veg, and and a variety of sauces.
all very good. The beef berginioun he cooked last night got put in the deep freeze .earmarked for feeding the regatta
crew next friday night...
Skipper had a chat with Aileen earlier in the day, who is at home in Dublin and having
her hair done , as a woman should.
We had an early night, as hopefully with a bit of luck, everything will be complete tomorrow and we will be able to shove off at lunch time.
Thats it fror now,
Signed :-      Stephen Hyde.     ( skipper )

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