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Crazy Horse - Pearl Regatta

Yesterday we sailed around the lagoon in the 3rd race in this regatta. We must have tacked 50 times. Wow! were we ever tired. We finally found the finish line and came in 12th overall for the day. The first day we came in 2nd. We just beat out Ocean Jasper but it was close. The 2nd day we didn't finish the race in time and they closed down the race 5 minutes before we arrived. After all the sweating and work was I ever frustrated. Oh well." WE are only doing it for the FUN!"

That night we just turned in early we were so tired. Last night we went to the costume party and had a great time. Matt dressed up as a cowboy. Bill and I dressed up as ourselves. Voyageur dressed up in their Scotish outfits. David was in his kilt and Susan dressed as a highland cow. They looked great. The family from Noeluna dressed up in their flags-quite interesting and creative.

Yesterday after the race Ben from CNN interviewed us as a human interest story about a family sailing around the world. It should be aired on U-tube under Tahiti Pearl Regatta. It may be on in a couple of weeks. So today we decided to not race because the winds were up to 30 knots and lots of downpours. We are afraid of breaking anything else and not having the resources here to fix it. So we are playing it low-key today.

All in all we had a good time in this Regatta meeting new people, learning how well this Crazy Horse sails in light air, and attending all the festivities.

Next will probably be Bora Bora.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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