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A Lady - Sailing around the World.

SUNDAY  16th   MAY  2010     ( presently  in Tahaa  /  Bora Bora  )
06.00hrs,  Today is to be the final race of the regatta, but with lots of squalls and winds averaging 33knots,we decided that it would not be in our interest not to race. the course was too small, and with a lot of charter yachts taking part, ( that could be sailed by amatures and plonkers, ) the prospect of getting more damage was real and with  20,000 miles or more to do.,who needs a damaged boat?!
We spoke to some of the other boats , and they have come to the same conclusion,, the only exception was " Caio "pronunced  chow, as in good bye. " Caio" only had to have a resaonable result to win the overall trophy, which she did.   Great to see a World ARC boat do the buisness.
10.30hrs, we hauled the anchor and set off for Bora Bora, a distance of 27 miles. we sailed with just the Staysail around the Lagoon then the NE pass , and there we unfurled 1/2 the mainsail and set a course for the SW corner of the reef around Bora Bora. The sea was rough and the wind reached speeds in excess of 40 knots, but as we were reaching with a well reefed down boat, we were very comfortable.
We reached Bora Bora at 2.30 pm and entered the pass, where the water was flat calm,and that beautifull pale blue colour, Before long, we had picked up a mooring very close to the Yacht club, ( most of which was destroyed in a cyclone a few months ago ! )and all crew , including skipper hopped over the side for a relaxing swim... ohhhh such lovely water....
Later the two boys, Snorre and Stian, returned to their own boat, " Ronja " having enjoyed the few days on " A Lady" and also having learned a few tricks for future racing. The skipper had a rest ( very tired and a terrible sore throat ) while Donal exlplored the Yacht Club. We had a visit from John the Scot, who will be joining " A Lady " tomorrow and will sail with us to Mackay in Australia.
18.00hrs  we went ashore and joined the " Ronja crowd for dinner in the " Bounty Restaurant" about 15 minutes in a taxi,
We had a great laugh and a very enjoyable meal....It was late when we returned to the Yacht Club, and all went straight to the scratchers,
Thats today,
Signed :-      Stephen Hyde,    ( Skipper )

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