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A Lady - " A LADY TRIP" Sailing around the World

WEDNESDAY  19th  MAY 2010 ( Presently about to leave Bora Bora for the Cook Islands)
Crew for this trip :-  Stephen Hyde ( Skipper,) Donal Mc Clement, and John ( The scot )
Another beautifull day in Bora Bora. Interesting thing, looking back on the trip so far, and it has been a facinating trip, but nothing would or could prepare you for a trip like this, ( even with the help of World ARC, and they are great ) Almost all , if not all boats in the fleet, including ourselves have problems from time to time with things going wrong or breaking down. then there is the logistics of getting spare parts to where ever the boat is and then trying to find a quack to do the repairs ( thats if we cant do them ourselves) Believe you me, all this just gobbles up time and energy.
Hugh Cassidy is a man who believes in carrying plenty of spares, (as he says, " better be looking AT them rather than looking FOR them ") but no boat can carry enough stuff for every eventuality.
12.00hrs we cross the start line for the next leg ( to Suwarrow) except we have decided to go to " Rarotonga" which is much further south and approx 500miles.  a course of 237 T. The weather is very light and we motored for the first hour, then the wind filled in from the ESE , about 20 knots , so we trucked along at 8 knots, just lovely sailing conditions.
The wind more or less remained in this direction for the rest of the day, so progress was good. and we had "Ronja" and " Dreamcatcher" along with us for company, as they are also going to the same place.
Dinner was by Donal, and consisted of rack of lamb, creamed spuds, colliflower, brockly, parsley sauce, mint sauce,
and all very good. Skipper is still suffering from the throat infection and in poor enough shape.
Night watches :-       21.00hrs     /        01.00hrs       John,
                               01.00hrs     /        05.00hrs       Donal
                               05.00hrs     /        09.00hrs       Skipper
Thats all for now.
Signed :-      Stephen Hyde     ( Skipper )

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