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A Lady - Sailing around the World

FRIDAY   21st  MAY  2010    (  Skippers Grandaughter....... Rachel Hyde.........birthday )
Lots of showers and wind during the night, However, no traffic. Donal tried the SSB,but with little or no success, a range of about 30 miles, the VHF will do that distance for us now since we installed a new ariel.
Skipper is still in a sleep mode and spent most of the morning asleep on deck again, but feeling a little better. Taking
the advice of Leah and Annette; stuff yourself full of Vitimen " C".

Donal and John spent most of their time playing Sudoku,
Donal has the old fashion way......... a book
John has the modern electronic book
Fishing.....   Nothing happening here either,  It looks as if the advice Donal got is not suitable for a yacht or there are no fish in the sea ! After all . the line is out now for 24hours at least and not even a nibble...Opppps, we did have a big flying fish in the rib,,  thats the first one we have seen for a long time.
Lunch time,  Donal prepared an unusual concoction of :-  pasta, tomatoes, cheese,ham, garlic,onions and dressing of sorts. (The taste was still in the mouth hours later ) powerfull stuff.
Around this time, we passed 2 Islands to the west,  now a long way off, the first was 11 miles, just an atoll,and the second was 19 miles away, but at 71m high , was very visable,   These were called " Mitiaro" ( 15m high , the Atoll )
and " Atiu " ( 71m high, The bigger Island )
During the afternoon, as John was a new crew member on board, we got into discussing each others families, sailing experiences, funny stories, disasters at sea, etc etc, and other things that boys talk about...
17.00hrs   distance to destination.......................117 miles
                ETA  at our present speed, ................08.00  /  09.00hrs  Saturday 22nd May
17.30, As Donal was still having his Siesta, The Skipper put the leg of lamb for dinner in the oven,  Covered with garlic salt, olive oil,and a few Bay leaves, all wrapped up in tin foil... Donal wanted to make the dinner. which included  :- fried left over creamed potatoes and onions, green beans, baked potatoes, and the  lovely leg of lamb...It was yum, yum,  Ohhhhhh , Nearly forgot the gravey,, he spends so long making the gravey,, his favourate itemon all his menus
We started the generator for power to the electric cooker, to charge the batteries, heat the water, and make water,
this is usually left run for about 2 hours, about the time it takes to make the dinner.
If Heaven is not like this,  well we just dont want to go there..................... 
We are nearly 20 degrees South and the temperature at night is noticably cooler, with a heavy dew. just like the Canaries.
Night watches tonight  :-       Donal  ...............................  20.00hrs   /      00.00hrs
                                          Skipper.................................00.00hrs   /      04.00hrs
                                          John ( Scotty ) ......................04.00hrs   /      08.00hrs
Our Current position
20* 42'  S
158*  50' W
Thats it for now,
Signed  :-     Stephen Hyde   ( Skipper )

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