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Crazy Horse - May 23

Crazy Horse left with Ocean Jasper for Raratonga yesterday at approximately  9:30am. Wild Tigris decided to stay at Bora Bora for another day or so. Grand Filou was still there also perhaps waiting for more crew and repairs. Matt
delivered one Crazy Horse World Tour t-shirt to the owner Jessica before we departed. BBYC is in the midst of a major reconstruction but they are open for business despite all the construction. We had a wonderful time there meeting new folks and reuniting with the other ARCers.Our best wishes go  out to Jessica and Teva in their recovery from the hurricane devastation.They are certainly a determined and hard working couple.

Our last night at Bora Bora was spent going for a dinghy ride through a downpour for one last visit to Bloody Mary's. While sitting there soaking wet we meet several sailors who were also stopping over while en route to Australia. There was one young couple who actually knew Matthew and Crazy Horse. Leave it to Matt to know someone out of the blue from a foreign port.

Seems that he helped them find a mooring and gave them info at our anchorage in Bora Bora. They had bought a boat in the US and were sailing it back to Australia. We meet another couple who were on their honeymoon and were from PA. Another couple was there on vacation from Michigan. Guess Bloody Mary's conjures up images of South Pacific- the movie- and it just doesn't disappoint.

We are moving on now to the Cook Islands. There is just not much wind but I am sure that will change soon. We are trying to catch up to the other World Arc boats that are heading to Suwarrow, Raratonga and Nuie. Some of these anchorages are rather small so we are all going in small groups. We don't have an official rendezvous until Musket Cove June 30. I am sure we will see some of our fellow ralliers along the way.

As we travel along we are trying to pick up the SSB and follow along with the adventures of the other ARC participants. They are a little too far ahead so it is difficult to hear much of anything. Eowyn has the strongest radio so I am able to hear Graham's voice but not much of what he is saying.

Rosemary, Bill, Matt, and Crazy Horse in the middle of the South Pacific

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