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A Lady - Sailing around the World

 SUNDAY    23 rd   May  2010     (  Presently in Rarotonga, The Cook Islands, South Pacific )
It is a cloudy morning and no one on board was in any rush to get up . Then Fats decided to do a cooked breakfast, a very rare thing on this boat, as skipper does not approve, basically, cooked breakfast's stink the boat for a long time after. so, generally not allowed.
We went to the church and listened to Sunday singing. absolutly the best choir singing you would ever hear. Lift the souls.
We then did a little scouting around on foot, before hireing scooters at lunch time, Then, like three little boys, we reved up and vanished in different directions to explore this lovely looking Island,  As mentioned before, the temperature is very moderate, 26degrees C
Skipper did a complete circle of the Island, calling to the Golf Club ( closed because its Sunday) and then to the " Highland Paradise" these wonderfull gardens were also closed because it was Sunday, but with some wonderfull and smooth " Blarney" talking, the boss got into the gardens for a D.I.Y tour,, It was worth all the talking . Skipper seems to have a thing about snapping flowers on camera, so he had a great time there, and thanked the owners profusly on leaving the estate.
16.39hrs, Skipper returned to the boat to find the two boys already on board, Fat's ( sinbad) was already flat out ZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzZZZ g John ( Scotty ) was tucked into his laptop in the cockpit, trying to do his emails on skype while at the same time direct the musical orchestra comming from the forward cabin( The Fat's Choir )
Before going to a drinks party on an English boat ( who we dont know and are not part of the World ARC ) we put on a black wash. Thats in our posh , Bosh, washing machine.
Later , Fats cooked dinner,consisting of Steaks and Onions, greenpeas, spuds, and 1/2 ton of butter,, just the job..lets get the colosterol up ASAP.  We are here for a good time, not a long time....
21.00hrs, We watched a DVD called  " The Wild Geese "   Ohhhhhh brill, A real mans film, with lots of shooting, murders, swindling, double crossing, and finally REVENGE... It was great,, ( well we thought so ) all blood and guts and none of that lovey dovey stuff..... 
We left Ireland on the 24th June 2009, eleven months ago, and so far we haved covered 15,702 nautical miles. Here we think a 700 / 800 mile journey is " just around the corner" and wouldn't give it a second thought. At home, we would think a 100 mile trip is a major undertaking and would spend a week preparing for it. How things change !
Thats all for today
Signed :-  Stephen Hyde,    ( Skipper )


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