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A Lady - " A LADY TRIP " Sailing around the World, and avoiding the doom and gloom in Europe and Home

SATURDAY  29th MAY  2010      ( presently at sea between Rarotonga and Nuie,)
Total distance ..............................  585 miles
Distance travelled.........................   245 miles
Distance remaining.......................   319 miles
Position.......................................20. 22 S      164. 22 W
Wind   .........................................20  /  22 knots
Sea state,  ...................................good
Weather .......................................good
SOG.............................................7.5 knots
09.00hrs  We have 3 flying fish on deck, we havent had many of these for a while, meanwhile, the fishing line is still
flat out behind and we have not caught as much as a cold.
10.00hrs,   We adjusted all clocks on board, including the chart plotter to -11 UTC  ( - 12hrs Irish summer time)
                 So , example..........  9am  on the boat     is     9 pm Irish time  ( Same day )
10.30hrs    The wind vanished, well it went down to 8 knots from behind. so we started the engine and left it warm up for 15 minutes
                 before putting it into drive.
                 At 1700 rpm, we moved along at 7.2 knots.
Fishing :-   the fishing line has been out there working like a mad man since we left Rarotonga, but nothing to show as mentioned above.
                its very dissapointing, especially as we think we are experts in this fish buisness.
                We have tried everything, long lines, short lines , fiddling with the lines, pulling it in and then letting go fast, NOTHING, bloody nothing.
                Of course the wind is from the east, In Europe, an Easterly wind is not good for fishing..
                we are beginning to wonder if that applies out here also.
16.00hrs,   The wind is back, so were back in buisness, with a 22knot ENE breeze pushing us along on a broad reach at 8 knots..  walla,
18.00hrs,   The skipper put a lovely ( of course ) rack of NZ lamb in the oven for the dinner,
                 John , cooked a Rice dish to go with the Lamb, consisting of garlic ( 1/2 ton ) onions, pea's, and carrots, and seasoning.  excellent.
                " A  Lady's "  A Le Carte Restaurant is still alive and as good as ever.
21.00hrs,   The wind vanished again, so , on with the diesel donkey once again, 1700 rpm and travelling at 7.2 knots.
Night Watches :-       John............  21.00hrs   /    01.00 hrs
                                Skipper........ 01.00hrs   /    05.00hrs
                                John.............05.00hrs   /     09.00hrs
From us, good night,
Signed:-       Stephen  Hyde    ( Skipper )

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