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Voyageur - Log day 100 - A broach for breakfast

30 May 2010
I was in the galley preparing breakfast, David was in the sea berth. Suddenly all hell broke loose. My world went topsy turvy. "What on earth"! I raced to the companionway steps meeting David there at the same time and we clawed our way to the cockpit. The lee deck was awash with foaming water, the autopilot had lost the plot and the sails were flapping wildly having been driven up into the wind. No harm done, peace and order were soon restored as we reefed the mizzen and genoa. Three wind shifts covering 80 degrees during our final night at sea had us on deck changing the sail plan each time. As the sun burst over the horizon Voyageur was once more under full sail and averaging around 8.5knots. She wanted to get there as much as we did. It had been a really fast and exciting passage which once more we had completed under sail only. The clouds, now far astern, left the sky the clearest blue. It was going to be a beautiful day....

Susan Mackay
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