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Crazy Horse - May 30

We were going to leave today Sunday originally but decided to wait until Monday am. Well, it is a good thing. Someone upstairs must have been watching out for us. There was a fierce storm arriving just before dawn and it has just now at 1pm settled down. The day long hike was shortened due to the weather and only Matt and Bob are in attendance. It has been a while since we have seen such wind, thunder, and rain.

Maggie, Bob and I were in St. Joseph's Church for the service while the storm was in its height. When the priest said something about "GOD"... and then there was the most supreme thunderbolt. It was a little erie and of course there was no electricity for the entire service. It really was very spiritual listening to the Maori singing in the dark. Even though the church was only lightly attended there was the most full and emotional singing brimming with strong harmony. It was very moving. The people and priest were very welcoming to us. Every service we have attended in Polynesia we  have all been impressed with the spirituality, musical talent, and seriousness with which they hold their faith.

So I am here on Crazy Horse now after the storm just writing and reading and relaxing before the next leg. Bill and Jim have gone off to meet a writer and get him to sign a book they have just purchased about sailing and the Cook Islands. Matt and Bob have gone off on their abbreviated hike. It is quite nice to have some time in privacy to just relax and take in all that is happening to us daily. Being on a small boat-they all get smaller with time- takes a toll on one's self. So after all the philosophising I will go back to my reading.

Hope all back home have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day Holiday.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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