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Crazy Horse - June 2

Yesterday we had a rather bumpy sail toward our destination of Tonga. There was enough wind however, to carry our A sail which is a small spinnaker. We did about 7kts and the bumps eased while we were able to sail with the spinnaker. The sailmaker did a good job in repair of that sail and we are hoping that it makes it through the trip. It is a good sail in close reaching and even a beam reach. The good ole' Joshua spinnaker is better for the downwind sailing that is so famous for these South Seas.

Right now my shift is over and I am catching up with email. We had a wonderful dinner last night thanks to the fishing abilities of Bob on Ocean Jasper. Our first day out of Raratonga Bob caught a tuna, filleted it, then caught up with us, and heaved it over to Crazy Horse via air mail. I marinated the tuna after cutting it up into 1-2" steaks. The marinate consisted of soy sauce, fresh cracked pepper, and worchestire sauce. I sauted up some onions and fried the fish in the same pan catching all the sweet flavor. I seared the fish in oil about 1 minute on each side. It was fantastic. Bill who is not a rare fish eater even loved it. Anyway we continue to eat well on this trip. Don't think we will lose weight as we hoped on this adventure. We may have firmed up some areas due to all the up and down and banging into things.

O.Jasper, Brown-Eyed Girl and C.Horse have all stayed in contact in this leg of our journey. Everyone seems okay and they talk on SSB at 0830 and 1930 every day. It is always good to have some contact with others out here even if they are 20 miles away. As of right now we have 519 miles to go to Tonga.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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