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Crazy Horse - June 4

We are still motoring along trying to get into Tonga. Not much wind today so
this is the flattest I have seen the ocean in a long time. There is still
the ever present rock which is a good way to get sleepy.

I hope Joe of Brown-eyed Girl writes in the blog about his and Jerrod's
adventure with that tremendous marlin which by the way got away! I heard him
on the SSB with Bill last night and he was so excited and animated about the
fishing expedition. It will make good readiing and a good reason why many
people love this trip so much. You just never know what can happen next.
Hard to even expect to see a fish that big much less have the opportunity to
fish for one off one's sailboat!!!

We are not quite so energetic on this boat. We have spent a good part of
this leg reading the books we have borrowed and some we have read long ago
now reading them for the second time. Of course we have managed to think of
different ways to cook that tuna that Bob shared with us.We will all need
some heavy duty exercise upon reaching land.

We are just putting that AOI into action. Sometimes there is just the need
to preserve one's energies for the next go round.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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