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A Lady - Sailing around the World

Saturday, 5th June    (Constitution day, Denmark)
Well, well, we had an Interesting day yesterday, and had music in our ears untill 02,00hrs this morning. But now, we have 5 on board again, the last time we had 5 was Panama.
Crew :-   Stephen,  Aileen,  Margaret How, Donal, and John ( Scotty)
08.00hrs  We had a slow start, everyone catching up on the sleep.
It was a cloudy morning, and no cocks crowing, but we did have birds singing in the background. Scotty was able to identify them all , as he is a bit of a " Twitcher " (bird watcher). Ohhhhh, last night, he nearly collapsed with excitment when he identified these huge flying cats in the sky as "Fruit BATS".
10.30hrs  We went ashore to the Tropicana restaurant and had breakfast, and a good breakfast it was too. They had a huge "National Geographic" wall map, and each visitor stuck a pin on the map, identifying their home land, the pins were all different colors, so it made an interesting conversation piece.
IMPRESSIONS :-   Ohhhhh, this Island is so poor in comparrison to where we have come from. Poor and untidy,  Its a Kingdom, with its own King, and was never colonised, so the people have no automatic right to passports to
other places, like the French Polyneesian Islanders have, or the Cook Islanders have. so no flow of money into the place.

The "French Polyneesian Islands" and the "Cook Islands" really impressed us all, as they were all so neat and tidy. As if they were manicured every day at day break... Grass cut, lawns trimmed. flowers pruned, roads swept, perfect roads and paths, with very few pot holes.
Still in the "Cafe Tropicana" skipper got onto the NET and read his emails on a seperate address for photo's and other communications.  Interesting the amount of rubbish that had come through from " Top Dive" on this address. We did our Paddy Certificates with Top Dive. It must be the same for all internet Cafe's, but skipper got eaten alive by midgits/ mosquitos around the anckles. Like a blinkin pincushion. Ouch!

Later, we returned to the " Mermaid restaurant " (the Yacht Club) now the toilets here were filthy. One could get bottom rot if you if you sat on the loo..  but if gives the impression that the whole place is like this. BUT on the other hand, the Islands are beautifull, and the corals are stunning, so swimming and snorkling should be good. Oh, the place is full of jelly fish. well around here anyway...... but from what we understand, thats just confined to this anchorage.
17.30hrs The skipper put a "Leg of Lamb"  NZ  into the oven for the dinner. Of course we included roast potatoes, boiled new potatoes, green peas and carrots, and the left over red beens. 
20.00hrs We had the dinner in the "starlite Restuarant"  in the cockpit,, plus lots of wine,   and with a lovely breeze there to keep us cool. There is always a but, but this time the but is, the candles blew out all night. just would no stay alight. Ohhhhhhhhh just magic... nothing like the home cooking, surrounded by friends.
22.00hrs  We sat on the " Deck Sofa" on the quarter deck and admired the stars for a while before Skipper went
ashore to the Yacht Club, where he met Paul and Susanne from "rally control" plus many of the other crews from the world ARC fleet. just one drink before heading back to the boat and hitting the scratcher................................
ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz  ( Fats is home ) 
That's it for now,
Signed :-    Stephen Hyde (skipper)

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