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A Lady - Sailing around the World and avoiding the recession

Monday, 7th June 2010      (Presently in Vava'u, Tonga)
A nice slow morning, lot of fish swimming around the boat.
Most of the remaining yachts arrived during the day, we listened to them all chattering away on channel 77, our working channel.
We spent some time cleaning up the boat, and skipper opened up the main water filter to the refrigeration system and watermaker, we were particularly worried about the water maker, as it made some awful noise last night before shutting it down. We discovered gunged up jelly fish in the filters, and this was obviously the cause of the trouble, so we cleaned it all out, and then ran the generator and watermaker and checked they all worked properly,.................and they did... what a relief ! phew.
12.00  We, Aileen, Stephen and Margaret went ashore and had lunch in the " Crows Nest ", the owner is Stephen and made " Fats " birthday cake. The food was excellent and we ordered another chocolate cake, but this time, NO marzipan please, or almond essence, or whatever the * is in there.
Later skipper visited the "Moorings" charter boat office, as we are on one of their moorings. The 5 nights cost us the equivalent of 30 euros. We also got a cruising guide to the Islands from them, plus we purchased a chart of the place from them as well.
Later we went for a swim around the boat, oh oh, it was like swimming through a field of nettles. We kept getting all these little stings on our bodies, even though nothing was visible, but it was very uncomfortable. John was still ashore playing with his laptop, Fats was in the middle of his Ziz, so Aileen and Margaret decided  they could do with a rest too, so they vanished into their scratchers.
Skipper did some emails and the blog, but could not send or receive anything through the mailasail system. It seems that mailasail was on the blink, other boats were having similar problems, and typical, the operators of mailasail only work 9 to 5 mondays to fridays.
19.00hrs We all went ashore to a big party being thrown by the " World ARC " in  MANGO's  riverside restaurant, well, it was a great event, great food, great company, a great show by the locals afterwards, followed by lots of dancing.
We had a late night, and after too much wine,,   slurp,    hic,  hic,,  ohhhhhhh
We made our way back to the boat.
Can't remember if we had a night cap or not, but we did find our way to the scratchers,
                                    ZZZZZZZ zzzzzzzz ZZZZZZZ   zzzzzzzz    ( ladies, prrr,  prrrrrr, prrrrrr, zzzz  prrrr  )
That's it.
Signed :-     Stephen Hyde (Skipper)

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