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Voyageur - Log day 104 - Fan of Fans....

7 June 2010

Everybody who knows me from the last rally knows I am a fan of fans! I started collecting them when in Spain and it has continued ever since. Rosemary of Crazy Horse gave me a beautiful one from Moorea. On our previous rally, Stephen of Spirit of Affric gifted me one in Bali. I further added to my collection in Phuket, Thailand, and now having seen all the ladies in church this morning with their woven pandanus ones I will take myself down to the market and select one to add to my collection.

It was prize giving time again for Leg 7 with Ciao once more winning their class. They really are invincible. After dinner, held at the Mango Restaurant, we were entertained with music, the waitresses giving a traditional Tongan dance display, then everyone joined in with disco dancing. It was great fun. "Asolare" is now leaving the rally to go on to New Zealand and Peter made a generous farewell gesture of buying everyone a drink. Ingrid and Wolfgang have left to fly back to Germany and to oversee their business. A shame, we were just beginning to get to know them but they will be back. Friends Anna and Udo will continue aboard their catamaran Destiny with Henning once more as the skipper.

Susan Mackay

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